Monday, February 26, 2007

Bleak Prognosis

Before I visited the doctor today, Michelle decided to enter my recent symptoms into Web MD - the all-knowing, consumer friendly, website -- to discern what I might be suffering from (and oh how I have suffered).

Here are the symptoms: a painful sore throat, lightheadedness, a fever, swollen and painful-to-the-touch-lymph-nodes in my neck, insatiable appetite for peanut M&Ms.* Alas, things did not look good, for, according to the website, I may well be suffering from. . . the Plague.** My concern only grew upon learning that, apparently, the bacteria causing the disease "can be carried by small wild rodents, other wild animals or even household pets," all of which are terms that have been used to describe my children.

You can probably imagine my relief when it turned out to be a simple case of strep throat.

*Okay, okay, so maybe she only put in "enlarged or swollen glands."
**Web MD then helpfully points out "It is possible that the main title of the report Bubonic Plague is not the name you expected." It then provides a few helpful synonyms, including "Black Death", and "Black Plague."


Anonymous said...

Death comes unexpected!

Anonymous said...

Excuse me but I believe the correct phrase is "death comes unexpectedly". Sorry to hear that you have strep but remember what mom always says "you'll live".

Anonymous said...

Dang it! I meant unexpectedly. That killed the whole comment!