Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Life's Necessities

Michelle and I made significant sacrifices enabling me to take my current job and move ourselves to San Diego -- none more harrowing than giving up premium cable and *sigh* dvr.

Three months into our San Diego, limited basic cable, non-dvr, experience, we're reeling.

How's the line go...?

"There there little luxury. Don't you cry. You'll be a necessity by and by."

Who could have predicted how excruciatingly painful it would be -- after 15 months without a commercial -- to be at their mercy every 7.5 minutes! Who could have foreseen the difficult of reverting back to a lifestyle requiring us to watch tv shows when they actually air or miss them entirely! Such misery!

What ended up tipping the scales, though, was Michelle's displeasure at Jared catching some unsavory commercials on otherwise relatively innocent tv shows. He'd ask "What's that Momma?", and Momma would blush and turn the channel.

So we're getting DVR again, though this time we'll forego renting a box from the cable company and just buy one that doesn't require a subscription. For whatever reason we're more willing to pay a bit more up front if it means we avoid the monthly rental fees.

Hey, after all, it's all about keeping our kids safe. Sometimes you've just gotta bite the bullet...for the kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I am so glad to see that you have your childrens interests at heart, after all anything for the kids.