I got to argue an appeal before the Ninth Circuit today. That was cool.
While some of my colleagues stayed at the Ritz-Carlton, I opted for the more functional Holiday Inn Express (in a much sketchier part of Pasadena, CA). Anyone familiar with this blog might guess why I went out of my way to stay at such an admittedly inferior hotel: The Holiday Inn Express offers complementary warm cinammon rolls for breakfast -- as many as you can eat.*
I started staying at the hotel a few years ago when the firm I was working for sent me on a series of business trips the took roughly six weeks. I ended up in the nether parts of the country and stayed of lots of different hotels of varying quality. Quickly enough, though, I started searching out the Holiday Inn Express because I knew that, if all else failed, those cinnamon rolls would be waiting to greet me the next morning.
Granted, the Holiday Inn Express cinnamon rolls hardly register on my list of top pastries, but as part of a free breakfast -- with a glass or two of skim milk -- they've found a warm place in my heart, and with that small gesture have perhaps attracted a lifetime customer.
*After speaking with my colleagues it would seem the Ritz doesn't even offer a complementary breakfast, much less warm pastries and milk. They also charge $9 for daily internet access, whereas the Holiday Inn Express offers complementary wireless access. How do ya like them apples? By the way, for anyone interested in knowing how many I actually ate this morning -- only two. I thought it prudent given that a pastry induced coma might've detracted from my arguments this morning.
Is the cinnamon roll really the best you can do? Surely there's another hotel--or chain--that can offer something tastier for free. Maybe your standards aren't as high as you portend.
You've quite mistaken me Adam. My standards are low indeed when it comes to free food -- particularly free pastries. It's the stuff I've got to pay for that better be up to snuff.
Please, though, enlighten me: where might I find tastier free food?
I don't have the travel experience that you have, but I did stay in a Comfort Inn once that had the best continental breakfast I've ever seen: Freshly made waffles (from scratch), scrambled eggs, etc. And of course, the usual bagels and mini-boxes of Kellogg's. But those waffles...worth another trip.
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